Monday, February 27, 2012


About an hour ago this was a post in my head about how recipes are for sharing. As I made my cinnamon rolls, I realized that my this wasn't really about the recipes, rather the people they came from...

We choose to invest in things a million times a day. We invest in our homes, our children, our spouses. We invest in our friends, in the internet, in naps. We make literally thousands of choices each day, determining what is most important in that minute. For example, right now I am investing in this blog post instead of my dishes (I may regret that in an hour or so).

I have been blessed to have many, many people who have invested SO MUCH into my life. Many of whom will never read this. Without their emotional, time, and personal investment into my life I doubt I would be who I am today. Some of them may not even realize just how influential they have been. THAT makes me stop and think. How am I investing in the lives of others? Am I choosing to be intentional in my investments? Am I investing in the right things? Am I seeking council from those that I look up to? Do I allow others to walk by my side? Am I setting a good example for my children? So many other questions could fill these lines, but they all come down to the decisions that I make each day and one final question.

Where do I lay my priorities?

I would love to say that I make the right choice every time. That I never choose facebook over reading a story to my girls; that I think each choice that I make through and am confident that I am doing the right thing. However, that is not the case. Instead, I do the best I can and ask forgiveness over and over and over again. Then pray that I can learn from my shortcomings to be a better wife, mom and woman.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Way to go moms!

There's a quote on the wall at our Children's Museum:
"The Marines have it wrong,
this is the toughest job you'll ever love."
As a mom, I have to agree. While I would never want to be a Marine, and I am NOT saying that I could do their job. However, being a mom is a very difficult and often overlooked job.
Mothers are all around us. They have many different faces, many different ways of life and many different careers. While I am blessed enough to get to stay home with my girls, most of my mommy friends also have to bring in additional income.
Being a mom is all encompassing, it's a part of everything we do. No part of my day is exempt from this job. I work on a 24 hour schedule, 7 days a week ... and you know what? I wouldn't give that up for ANYTHING!