Sunday, October 28, 2012


Ok - so maybe once a week was a bit ambitious for this stage of life .... we'll see!

As promised, here's my take on pregnancy:

After waiting almost 2 years to hear the magical words "you're pregnant!" you'd think that I'd have been more prepared.  Instead the conversation went something like this:

"Is this Sara?"
"Yes it is."
"Hi Sara, this is (someone) from Dr. Campbell's office.  
I wanted to let you know that your pregnancy test came back positive.  
"What?!  Are you serious?!?!!?!?!?!?!?"
"Oh, honey - I wouldn't joke about this!"

I was beside myself surprised, excited.  There were NO WORDS to describe the feeling I had at that moment.  The best part?!  My employer (I was a nanny at the time) was sitting across the table from me when I got the call (yes, they knew we were trying and that I was expecting the call that afternoon) - she told me how excited she was and then excused herself from the room so I could call David!

My pregnancy with Kate was ... well ... magical!  It was all so new, I had only ever dreamed of what it could possibly be like.  Now, the magic was not all fun - I was pretty sick in the first trimester -- but once that was done - pure bliss!  Well ... until I got a positive test for gestational diabetes .. but even that was manageable in light that I was doing what I was doing to grow a healthy HUMAN BEING!

I loved to feel my baby kick and move and roll - I even loved getting up in the middle of the night for a billion trips to the bathroom!!  It was just wonderful. 

Pregnancy is a blast, I LOVE it!!!!

Now, I know that not everyone loves (or even likes) being pregnant, and I'm not sure what else to tell you about it - it's kind of a hands-on experience.  Everyone reacts differently, for example - I become VERY outspoken and opinionated when I am pregnant!  (hard to believe, if you know me otherwise, I know)  Oh - and a word on cravings ... mine were not all that weird, but very specific ... for example - I sent David out to the grocery store minutes before it closed for Bomb Pops -- but not just any kind, they had to be the ones that just melt in your mouth ... the ones that have ridges around the outside and are just the best!  (yes, that is the description I sent him with - I now know that they are Blue Bunny ones)

My advice - pick up a copy of  "Your Baby Week-By-Week" and ENJOY IT!!  Oh - and skip "What to expect when you're expecting" ... I thought that one was pretty useless.  Oh - also get "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" - it will have you in hysterics!!

Up next - labor and delivery (the fun stuff)

Friday, October 19, 2012

A challenge

I was recently challenged by a friend to write posts about all aspects of being the mom that I am.  I am officially accepting this challenge and starting now I will post once/week on various aspects of motherhood.

Let me first say that I am not a perfect mother, nor am I saying that my way is best.  I am simply going to share what we have done in our house and what has worked/not worked for our family.

So ... to start this challenge - let's start at the beginning :)  We were married for about 2 years before deciding that we were ready to begin our journey as parents.  We didn't know then what a long journey we were in for ... turns out that getting pregnant isn't always so easy!  We worked with various teams of medical professionals for just under 2 years before we got the joyous call saying that the blood-test they had run that morning came back positive!!!  All of the tests, endless monitoring, shots and other medications that toyed with my emotions - it was all suddenly worth every minute!  To say that we were excited would be an understatement!

We lived much of those two years in silence about what we were going through.  It was just not something that we talked about - how do you even bring that up in conversation?  "Hi, how are you?  We're trying to have a baby, but that isn't going so well."  Yeah ... I don't think so.  We didn't know anyone else who had ever gone through anything like this, so who would we turn to anyway?  It was hard, if I had something to go back and do over with this process, that would make the short list.  To have people around you, those who genuinely care, supporting you is worth the awkward conversation of telling someone what you are going though.  You may even be surprised by who else knows just what you're going through. :)

Until next week :)

Next up: pregnancy