Friday, November 15, 2013

Our moving adventure, part 2

So much has happened since my last post!  The journey to our new home has been full of craziness!

So, as of when I last posted, we were 3 weeks (and 1 day) from moving.  The only thing we were waiting for was the appraisal; of course we thought that was a given.  I mean this house is a steal!  Well ... as I'm sure you've guessed - it didn't appraise!  The house appraised for $10,000 less than the amount we had agreed on with the sellers (after several days of negotiations, because they wanted more).

Which brought us back to square one!  We told our realtor that they needed to drop the price by the $10,000 that it was short, or we'd be finding a new, new home.  Fast forward past several phone calls from their realtor to ours asking how much of that $10,000 we were willing to pay (the answer was ALWAYS $0!), to Monday, August 5 (3 days before our closing date on BOTH houses) we FINALLY hear from the buyer's agent.  He said that if they can keep their curtains (but leave the two story ones), they'll move forward with the closing.  CURTAINS?!?!  Seriously?!?!  Of course, take your curtains, I don't like most of them anyway!  At last, 3 days before closing (and thereby being homeless) we know where we will be moving!  Even better: we got it at the price we FIRST offered them!

Ugh - those were some of the longest weeks of my summer!  Not knowing where we were going to move was hard!  We had gone back to looking around at the market and there just wasn't anything that was what we wanted.  We were basically back to building ... but we really REALLY didn't want to wait the MONTHS that it would take to then move to our new home.  We did have the arrangements all figured out, but it was not going to be a smooth transition.

August 8th brought an excitement and a sense of relief!  Finally, this whole crazy process was about to be OVER!  We closed on our house in Farmington in the morning.  Then went to the closing on our new house in the afternoon.  Well, that was an adventure -- you see, when the sellers wait until there are only 3 days until you're supposed to close it makes it VERY CHALLENGING for the loan officers to get everything through in time!  There were addendums (addendi?) and resubmitting of paperwork with the new price ... to the point that our loan officer was working like a mad man to get it done, and the financing went through as we were finishing up the closing!


So, we get to go and move into our new house - thankfully, we have some awesome family and friends who were at our disposal through this process, there is no possible way this would have worked without all of you!  Many late nights were put in packing/cleaning our old house and then moving/unpacking/cleaning at the new house!

Breath a sigh of relief, the house is mine!  One of the things we knew coming into this purchase was that the microwave didn't work.  No big deal, microwaves aren't THAT expensive.  Well ... what we didn't know is that the dishwasher didn't really work, the washing machine sounded like a monster was trying to escape and the fridge didn't make ice or chill water ..... ugh!

We have now, FINALLY, gotten mostly moved in (there are boxes remaining, that will wait for winter to be unpacked).  The house feels like ours (minus the fact that I have NOTHING on the walls), the girls are loving their new house (though miss friends from our old house), and we are all getting to know the neighbors.

God is so good!  He knew all that we would go through, and that His plan would prevail.  I am so glad that we waited on His timing and didn't try to force any of this to happen in our timing!