Ok - so just the title is daunting ... you see, I live in a home that is not what I would like it to be. I find myself thinking, if only it were a little bigger. If only it were a little closer to anything. If only it were a little farther from everything. If only our yard was bigger. If only my kitchen were bigger. If only my house were clean. If only my garage could hold both of our cars. If only ... if only ... if only ....
You see, I have what Jill Savage so accurately diagnoses as "perfection infection" in her new book "No More Perfect Moms (BUY IT February 4-9, 2013). I want my house to be just like the ones you see in a magazine - you know the ones. Big, beautiful, organized, and (dare I say it) CLEAN!
If you were to stop by my house on any given day you would likely find: remnants from our last shopping trip on the floor in the entry, the next load or two on the floor in the laundry room, toys in the family room, blankets strewn on the couch (hey, it's cold down there), possibly laundry waiting to be folded on the couch as well. You'll likely find things waiting to go upstairs with you on the steps (hey, grab those for me, will you!?). Once you get to the top of the stairs ... just set that stuff you grabbed from the steps on the half-wall, that's where everything else is! The dishes on the table/counter are from our last meal (or two), and my tiny kitchen is housing dishes and schoolwork and a myriad of other things that likely don't belong there. Haha ... did I mention the TOYS all over the floor of the living room? Oh, and we may or may not still be in our jammies!
"It's not the size, style, decor, or classiness of a house that really matters. It's what goes on inside the house that makes the most difference. A house doesn't make a family. A family makes a house a home."
Jill Savage, No More Perfect Moms
I am trying really hard to make sure that I not only believe that statement, but live it. I want my house to be clean; I function better then. In fact, it is a great source of stress when my house is not clean. However, in this stage of life, that is not my reality. So, I will do my best to keep it bearable (for me) and keep it real, for you.
Momma's we have an infection to get over - one day at a time!
I was given a pdf copy of No More Perfect Moms as part of the launch team. All thoughts/opinions are mine.