Thursday, December 20, 2012

I haven't forgotten ...

Merry Christmas. my dear friends!  I haven't forgotten about you, or the next mommy advice post ... but I want it to have pictures, and can't seem to find the time to take them! 

We've had a lot going on around our house (who hasn't these days, right?) - it all started with sick kids over Thanksgiving, and has just gotten busier and  busier by the day!  David has been on vacation all week, and we have yet to be home for a day (or even half a day) - yikes!  Tis the season, right? 

Thinking of and praying for safe travels and a very merry Christmas for you!


  1. Hi! I'm stopping by from the No More Perfect Moms group. Looking forward to getting to know you as we all help Jill launch the book. :^)


  2. Hello! Dropping by from the NMPM group, too:) Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
